
We answer the most frequently asked questions about DIVI-HER

20 Mar 2023

That's why we want to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Divi-her.

What is DiviHer?
It is a dietary supplement that promotes weight loss, it will help you control your appetite and anxiety to eat, reducing those cravings at all times. It also facilitates the elimination of body fat through lipolysis, that is, naturally. It also helps fight constipation and colon problems as well as regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Who can consume Divi Her?
The answer is everyone. Divi-her is a product designed for all people, including people with diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, there is only one exception, and that is for pregnant or lactating women.

How does Divi-her work?
Thanks to its natural ingredients it helps to solve problems in our digestive system. For example, like tuber glucomannan, which is a natural fiber that increases its volume more than 100 times when in contact with water, this effect causes the formation of a viscous mass that decreases appetite and produces a feeling of satiety (fullness). Other ingredients such as aubergine, green tea and flaxseed, promote proper intestinal function, eliminating the fat that the body begins to discard through a process known as lipolysis, this occurs at the cellular level allowing adipocytes (accumulator cells of fat) allow the transformation of accumulated fat.

How should Divi Her be taken?
It is advisable to consume this supplement every day, 1 to 2 capsules accompanied by 1 glass of warm water, you should take it approximately half an hour before breakfast. This will allow its components to mix with water and achieve a correct transformation and assimilation in the body.

For how long can I use Divi Her?
The consumption time of Divi Her is not defined, after 60 days of continuous consumption, you will begin to see its effect and results on your body and it will be evident. It is highly recommended to take the treatment for 6 months, however many people continue to consume it regularly, due to the well-being they experience at a general level, since they can carry out their daily activities with energy and their gastrointestinal function will be improved. Little by little you will observe how the height and weight begin to decrease as a result of the treatment and you will achieve a new lifestyle.
How do you achieve the best results with Divi Her?
It is a reality that weight loss in people is the product of several changes in the way we spend our energy, that is why you will be able to see the best results with Divi Her when you develop, in parallel, a conscious consumption of food, without excess liquor, animal fats or saturated fats, flours and sugars. Divi-her is an excellent complement to your diet, you just have to consume more water during the day.

What symptoms can occur when consuming Divi Her?
One of the most common symptoms is that when consuming Divi Her, you experience an increase in the number of bowel movements during the first few days. This is a natural reaction of the organism and you should not worry, try to maintain an adequate level of hydration.

Can I combine Divi Her with other products like Maca Life or Agy Fort?
Of course, it is an excellent option. Many people are achieving a decrease in abdominal fat by combining the consumption of Divi Her with Maca Life, they also achieve an increase in energy and can carry out physical activity with greater vitality and resistance. In turn, Agy Fort is an excellent dietary supplement, it also strengthens the bone system, helps repair muscle structure after exercising and improves brain functions such as memory.

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